A Day in the Life at Sunshine Preschool in Kuna, Idaho
You'll be amazed that all these activities happen EVERY day during our 2.5-hour preschool class. Enjoy!

Welcome Circle

It's time for preschool! Hurray!
Find a seat on a carpet square...
Everyone gets to talk about their life and share favorite items at circle time.
And every preschooler gets a turn to be Student of the Month!
Then we settle in and discuss our weekly theme. This time? N is for North America!
On to Rhythms & Movement to get our wiggles out before starting our jobs!

Circle Jobs

Our job chart helps keep track of our helpers:
Job Reader, Circle Counter, Calendar, Weather Watcher, Snack Helper & Story Chooser!
Our Calendar Helper helps us find the correct day, and also helps us count!
Let's count the syllables in FEB-U-AR-Y! 4 - Great job!
Our calendar helps us learn to count our very important numbers!
It also helps keep track of fun holidays coming up!
And our Weather Watcher makes sure Mr. Frog is dressed for the weather!
Then it's time for our Pledge of Allegiance!

Arts & Crafts

All our activities have a specific goal in mind to help preschoolers learn important skills.
Here, we learn how to make an pattern with strips to make a flag!
Watch me write my name!
The kids always do their very best.
We focus on the process, not the end product, which means each craft is unique!
From cutting to painting to gluing, our preschoolers do it all!

Center Time

During Center Time, the preschoolers get to choose which fun activities they want to do!
Our Water Area is always a huge hit!
And the teacher table encourages fine motor skills like cutting and gluing.
Our age-appropriate games build our preschoolers' confidence!
And our writing area helps preschoolers practice their letters and numbers.

Letter of The Week

After an engaging transition song, the preschoolers are ready for Letter of the Week.
They learn the correct way to write our alphabet letters in a fun manner!
They first write the letter, then erase it using their chalkboards.
Whether we're learning the letter N or the letters O, P, or Q,
our preschoolers have a blast with our hands-on, activity-based teaching methods!

Snack Time

We make sure to wash our hands before it's time to eat!
Animal crackers! Our favorite! I wonder what we'll have next time...
The children unwind from all their activities by telling fun jokes and stories.

Story Time

The preschoolers read quietly while everyone finishes their snack.
You'll even see them reading to each other!
And when it's time to read our "Little N" book...
The preschoolers are eager to learn what Little N puts in her box!
Nuts, Nests, Needles, Noses... Hey, those all start with Nnnnn!

Life Skills

Elmer Elephant & Izzy Iguana came to visit us during our puppet show.
They taught us an important life skill: It's important to stretch our bodies.
Now it's our turn to practice!

Goodbye Circle

Our Story Chooser loves to pick a few favorites to read before preschool ends.
Time to get on our coats & backpacks!
Finally, let's show off our great work to our parents!